Monday, October 15, 2012

0.57a Preview?

I mentioned I would post a new build tonight regardless of how much I finished. As promised I did so but didn't finish totally.

It's really buggy as all hell and I recommend holding off for a day or two. If you don't care about bugs and all sorts of strange issues feel free to download it by clicking on read more below, (hell I haven't even self-edited my own events).
Please post any bugs in the previous post (0.55.1a bugs) as I'm still fixing those bugs at the moment :)

Download Link (Torrent since it's an intermediate version): Here
Version 0.57a

Bug Fixes
-Self tit-fucking now correctly only appears at 25+ arousal.
-Fixed all future equipment that has the "of force" or "of resourcefulness" suffix to be correctly spaced.
Northern Highway
-Updated the bad fountain's event script to use a more recent method of detecting testicles. This may or may not fix bugs related to the event.
-Fixed a bug that was actually blocking a random event in the Northern Highway. What's worse is this was a small bit of usc submitted by Leroy. It

should now spawn with the rest of the highway events.
-The elven pool event will no longer cause strange errors upon chosing "ignore"
-Fixed a bug in which two foxglove would be consumed instead of just one upon use.
-Air Blast now properly pushes foes back upon contact.
Sex System
-Fixed a bug which prevented a special from appearing (goo cunt).
-Fixed a bug that may have prevented the spell erotic visions from appearing during sex scences.

-Added Four new events in the Northern Highway area (each with several sub events)
-Added a small new event in the Nameless Inn during the day if you meet the criteria.
-Added 2 new combat related items.
-Added 4 new spells, three are combat related and one is a new sex system spell / general spell.

Sex System
-Added a new special for those possessing a goo cock.
-Added a new sexual encounter (post Pornicle difficulty).


  1. Sorry if you already know about this (hadn't a chance to go back over other posts) but the wandering traveler from whom you buy random items from seems to take your gold but no longer gives you the items you ask for and I'm not sure if it's a glitch but you give 2 pink vials to the girl in the tavern (during the sex combat scene) instead of 1. That's the 2 I've seen so far. Hope this helps.

  2. Er same anon again. I didn't read where you said post in the other as this ver.s was still knowingly buggy.. sorry!

  3. I have not seen this bug on the list, but i get it for about 90% of all events:

    There are allways 2 error messages opening up.

    First Error Message:
    Tacoking probably fucked up :(
    Unfortunately there was an error in the text reader. This was most probably due to an improperly typed text event. The exact error will be displayed int eh following message windows. Prepare to copy the error down and let Tacoking know about it!

    Second Error MEssage:
    Error # 13 was generated by Microsoft.VidualBasic Invalid conversion vorm String X, to typ Integer.

    While X can be any number.

    1. Weird question: Do you use Austrian German as your language setting in windows? So far I've found that oddly for whatever reason that version of German doesn't work with the game (Standard German will however). Try that out if you are familiar with the langauge settings option :)

    2. Using German(Switzerland) as language settings.
      I'll test with normal German and trie if it works, but would be nice if that problem could be fixed anyway as it may affect other langauge settings as well.

    3. With German (Germany) itßs working fine.
      I´d still appreciate a fix ;)

    4. This sounds similar to a Jave error I saw, it was related to the whole/fraction separator, ie 1.23 or 1,23 etc

      I saw Takoking mention trying to resolve issues like these, Nokthar what does German(Switzerland) language setting use for the separator?

    5. To problem seams to be the decimal seperator indeed.
      German(Switzerland) uses the period (.) as seperator while German(Germany) uses the coma (,)

      When I chose German(Switzerland) and change the separator to (,) by hand i dont get the error anymore.

    6. Maybe the simplest solution would be toset teh decimal separator by hand instead takign the one given by the system to ensure its allways the one used int he quest descriptions.

    7. I actually have globalization code in the game but for whatever reason this one variation of German doesn't seem to like it :P

      A long time back I fixed the issue (or seemingly did so) but one other player had troubles you are describing. We narrowed it down to that being the cause. I'll take the link you provided and see if I can do anything to fix it.

  4. Tacoking you're on fire!

    Keep up the good work.

  5. What's this, the [cum volume] bug is FIXED for once?!

    1. Nevermind, still broken. (I wasn't making enough cum at first)

    2. What is the bug and where does it occur? It seems to work for me.

    3. [cum volume] breaks multi-cock or possibly whatever else past it, it's been occurring for a long time now.

  6. hiya guys,
    I just thought I'd post my congratz on building a interesting and fun game, keep up the good work.

    Also it seems the opendrives site is down for the moment, it not responding at all when I try linking to any of the torrents links posted here. the site just seems to be dead at the moment.

    Once again thanks for making a good game,

  7. Would it be possible to host the torrent file somewhere else?
    So i could try the preview too and hunt for bugs?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. thanks for the link, Teraunce Foaloke
      most appreciated,

    3. the real .57a preview the other one was .55a1. my mistake. got my zip files mixed up.

  8. oh this game sounds promising ok quick question
    how do i play this?

    1. Download the game and then make sure to install .NET 4.0 which is available on the download page AND VB Powerpacks 10 which is also on the download page.

      Microsoft requires that you get the distributables from them so I cannot bundle them with the game.

  9. There's an error in this new version considering images. I get futa images (f.e., when arousal warnings appear), while having female (vagina, no cock). After using foutain of youth the images seems to get back to normal.


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