Monday, September 26, 2011

Expect 0.21a later tonight ^_^

 Just a quick update. 0.21a will be out by 2:00am EST time tomorrow morning. It will feature:

  • Experimental new systems (don't use them unless you love bugs :P)
    • New character creation (old is still in place though), lacks graphics but otherwise should work.
    • Attribute, Skill, and Sex Skill multipliers (both positive and negative) after character creation.
    • A "fountain of youth" in the Park. It doesn't really make sense why it's there,  but it allows you to remake your character once so it works with the new stuff.  If you just want to try the new stuff, make a new save right before the fountain so you can test the new stuff out.
    • Hair! Hair now can grow, and increases in length every two weeks. A new barber has been added in Pornicle to cut, dye, and style your hair...even remove it if or cause your hair to grow if you never had hair before. (optional)
    • Eye color! You can set your eye color at character creation. There will be special eyedrops added later in the game likely through  the alchemy system so you'll be able to change your eye color.


  1. Weird question but will heterochromia be allowed? Because that would be awesome.

    I doubt it since that would take individual coding for each eye.

    A Nazca can dream.

  2. It's something I can easily allow in the future as it's really not difficult, though at the moment it won't make 0.21a (mostly because everything that is going in is pretty much set in stone).

  3. Taco you have yet again proved that you are a gentleman and a scholar. And king of tacos.

  4. Someone also request that hair growth be togglea-ble. That was a bit easier then setting two eye colors but I'll happily add the dual eye colors to the suggestion page so I remember :D

  5. cool thanks for the new update dude


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